We need your help with our fundraising efforts

We need your help with our fundraising efforts
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Kathryn Stewart
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 19 May 2024
This year marks the 20th anniversary of our registered charity, Spinnaker Chorus!

For years we’ve been passionate about promoting the benefits of singing for wellbeing, as well as music being a force to unite communities. Most of you probably know us from the exciting work we do within the local community supporting various charities and events, singing workshops with schools, colleges and universities, all topped off with providing entertainment for various hospitality events!

As part of our upcoming celebrations, we are planning to raise funds through a 'singathon' around Portsmouth on 15th June!

We are looking for sponsorship from local businesses in the Havant area, in the form of modest monetary donations or the donation of products we could offer in a raffle to help raise funds. In turn, we would be able to offer your company visibility on our social marketing platforms and mention in local newspapers when we contact them for events.

Or perhaps you would prefer to choose a song from our repertoire which we will dedicate to your nominee and sing on the day, a video of which will be made available for you to share on your personal or business page and associated social media platforms.

For more information and details please email Nicolette Nason: